Pelvic Physical Therapy
Synergy Physical Therapy specializes in physical therapy for pelvic floor disordersincluding gynecologic, obstetric, and urologic conditions for women, men, and non-binary people.
Synergy Physical Therapy provides the most comprehensiveevaluation and treatment for pelvic floor physical therapy in Madison, Wisconsin.
Pelvic physical therapy addresses aspects of anatomy and physiology related to or within the pelvis. The pelvic floor is at the base of the spine including your genitals, muscles,
nerves, and connective tissue. The pelvic floor supports the abdominal organs, facilitatesurinary and bowel continence, and aids in sexual appreciation.
Pelvic physical therapy requires specialized training. Physical therapists at Synergy Physical Therapy have received advanced post-graduate education in pelvic floor anatomy and physiology to help meet the pelvic health needs of patients.
While we have advanced training in pelvic health, we are first and foremost physical therapists that approach the body through a holistic lens. Pelvic health issues may originate from impairments in one of the many body systems:
musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive, urologic, and gastrointestinal. Pelvic health symptoms may occur due to injury, trauma, surgery, medication-induced, pregnancy, and menopause.
Pelvic health symptoms may also develop through movement and stresses associated with daily life and recreational activities; the pelvic floor may weaken or carry
increased tension and stress. Common conditions treated include the following. This list is not exclusive and you arewelcome to call the clinic to discuss if we are able to meet your individual need.
Pelvic Pain
Perineal Pain or pain in perineum
Vulvodynia and vulvar pain
Pain with gynecologic exam or penetration
Pudendal neuralgia
Tailbone pain or coccydynia
Scar Tissue
Abdominal pain
Sacral pain
Anal pain, Rectal pain
Testicular Pain or Penile Pain
Dyspareunia or pain with intercourse, pain with sex
Sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, pain with ejaculation)
Pelvic floor myalgia
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (urethrocele, cystocele, rectocele)
Gynecological cancer
Post gynecologic, urology or abdominal surgery
Post gynecologic, colorectal, and prostate cancer treatment
Bladder Dysfunction
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Urge Urinary Incontinence
Urinary urgency and frequency, dysuria, retention, hesitancy, nocturia
Bowel Dysfunction
Difficulty evacuating
Painful bowel movements
Anal pain, anal burning
Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Orthopedic physical therapy is the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries and painrelated to the musculoskeletal system. Proper physical therapy can lead to reduced pain,
increased range of motion and strength to improve overall function. At Synergy PhysicalTherapy in Madison, WI, we differ from traditional physical therapy by offering a whole
body holistic approach to evaluate and treat injuries utilizing the highly regarded Integrated Systems Model (Lee & Lee, 2007)
Applying this approach, we evaluate movements or tasks (e.g. sitting at your desk,standing at sink) or recreational activities like walking or golfing in the context of all
systems and regions of the body. When a patient presents with pain and functional limitations, there is often a breakdown between systems in the body, leading to inefficient
interactions and pain or poor function. By focusing on the connections between all theparts and systems of the body, your injury or pain can be reasoned, explained, and treated
appropriately, ultimately fostering greater ease in movement and reduction of pain. Our trained physical therapists apply state-of-the-art techniques to resolve pain-
related problems or work with you to foster performance in sports and work-relatedfunctions even if pain is not a factor. We will work with you on body function efficiency by
focusing on alignment, biomechanics and control. At Synergy Physical Therapy, we cater to the individual, recognizing that each
injury, pain or diagnosis is unique to you. We tailor each session to your needs and offer a variety of current physical therapy services and modern technology to treat both acute and
chronic conditions. Our programs focus on improvement now with a long-term plan to
guide you even after your treatments are finished.
What can be treated?
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Shoulder Impingement
Rotator cuff syndrome
Back Pain
Pelvic and SI Pain
Hip Pain
Ankle Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Foot Pain
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Sacroiliac Pain
Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
If you are planning or already scheduled an operation, we highly suggest working with us to
become as strong and fit as possible. This will reduce your risk of postoperative
complications, prepare you for what to expect, and speed up your recovery process. If you
have already had surgery, we can speed your recovery toward resumption of normal
Sports Medicine and Performance
The Integrated Systems Model approach we use at Synergy Physical Therapy focuses on
enhancing your performance, whether or not you are currently experiencing pain. Using our
extensive knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics we will work with you to optimize your
body and its systems for your activity or sports goals. This approach allows your body to
act more efficiently, improve speed and power outcomes, and reduce the risk of future